I feel like an idiot asking this, but I'm out of ideas.
The engine in my Blue '87 will not crank correctly. When you turn the key forward to the On position, you can hear the relays under the dash clicking and the fuel pump cutting on, then turning it forward to the crank position you can hear the starter relay click, and then the starter trys to turn over the engine, but it is very weak and slow, and will only crank for about a second before stopping.
So far I have replaced:
Ignition Switch
Starter Relay
Positive & Negative battery cables
All have been tested and are good units.
I suck at tracking down electrical problems. HELP!
The engine in my Blue '87 will not crank correctly. When you turn the key forward to the On position, you can hear the relays under the dash clicking and the fuel pump cutting on, then turning it forward to the crank position you can hear the starter relay click, and then the starter trys to turn over the engine, but it is very weak and slow, and will only crank for about a second before stopping.
So far I have replaced:
Ignition Switch
Starter Relay
Positive & Negative battery cables
All have been tested and are good units.
I suck at tracking down electrical problems. HELP!