I found, for the first time, a brown pasty substance under the radiator cap and inlet as well as in the reservoir tank. It did not feel oily to touch and did not float on the coolant.My radiator coolant level is up to the top, and the oil on the dipstick is clean.No goop under the oil filler cap. Car not overheating in traffic with AC on ( in 45 C outside temp). I always use the green coolant, and never mix brands or types. Car moves and accelerates well.No white smoke from the exhaust.
I noticed that the rubber part of the radiator cap was all peeling away, sort of.
Is this just accumulated sludge that can be fixed with flushing, or could it mean something more serious like a head Gasket failure?
I noticed that the rubber part of the radiator cap was all peeling away, sort of.
Is this just accumulated sludge that can be fixed with flushing, or could it mean something more serious like a head Gasket failure?