Ive been trying to figure out why my car has been running crappy. Its running smooth now. I went through and checked all my vacum lines. Did a full tune up this summer. Changed the head gaskets and every gasket from there up. The whole top end of the motor was cleaned and inspected. Changed the fuel filter. Checked all the injectors. Theres probably more but thats the basics.
Here's how I got it to run smooth. My friend said he saw someone do this with there drift car to get another season out of it. You take off a vacum line that goes to the intake. I used my brake booster vacum line. Get about a half gallon of warm water. Start the engine it may idle high if the vacum line is off, so you may want to wait to pull it out. After you have the engine running take the vacum line off of the brake booster. And put the vacum line at the suface of the water so it sucks a tiny bit at a time. Be careful and dont let it suck to much water in. Once your done let the engine run a few minuates 2-3, rev it a few times, and cut it off. And you will have alot of nasty s**t dripping from your exhaust. I fixed my problem if your stuck try this. My car seems to be running alot better. No more hicups or missing.
Here's how I got it to run smooth. My friend said he saw someone do this with there drift car to get another season out of it. You take off a vacum line that goes to the intake. I used my brake booster vacum line. Get about a half gallon of warm water. Start the engine it may idle high if the vacum line is off, so you may want to wait to pull it out. After you have the engine running take the vacum line off of the brake booster. And put the vacum line at the suface of the water so it sucks a tiny bit at a time. Be careful and dont let it suck to much water in. Once your done let the engine run a few minuates 2-3, rev it a few times, and cut it off. And you will have alot of nasty s**t dripping from your exhaust. I fixed my problem if your stuck try this. My car seems to be running alot better. No more hicups or missing.
