I think I have the remote choke then, there is a square-ish port in the intake right next to teh carb where that thing might fit just right. But as I said, all of the linkage has bee removed already, so even the rod inside the carb that actuates the choke flapper is missing. I'll look for a truck with a Q-Jet carb at the junkyard next time I go there, might harvest it for the learning experience.
Side question - when adjusting timing on this engine, what numbers am I shooting for (with the vac advance unplugged)? A guy over at FSC suggested the funky noises I hear might be detonation, so I wanna rule that one out before I tear the engine down.
Side question - when adjusting timing on this engine, what numbers am I shooting for (with the vac advance unplugged)? A guy over at FSC suggested the funky noises I hear might be detonation, so I wanna rule that one out before I tear the engine down.