My friend lost his key and foolishly punched out his ignition lock/key cylinder so he could use his car.....he picked up the correct ignition lock/key cylinder with keys this morning.....normally the replacement procedure is to put the key in the run position and depress the retainer to remove the lock cylinder then insert the new lock cylinder with key in the run position etc etc assuring everything is lined up internally.... The problem I am having is getting the ignition switch gear in the lock cylinder housing in the run position (remember the ignition was turned of using a screw driver to move the actual gears in the ignition system) so when I set the new lock cyclinder in the run position and insert it into its housing it is "timed" correctly with car itself being in the run position because all the lights that normally come on do so....each time the lock cylinder fully seats and I can turn the the key through its ranges but when I try and start the car nothing happens.....I can start it with the screw driver though.....the gears inside the housing look oK I just think it is out of sync.....Please help!!!