I'd like to ask for your help in building a video section.
If there's something useful you can record,edit and publish inside the Youtube 15 minute time limit please submit the link to me.
This should be of great use to the "Right Brained" crowd,That like me want to see a procedure first or have something to watch as they do it.
Pleas remember, This is Tech and not the OTB section so please stay on task in your submissions.
Include a tool and part list too and I'll add that to your post.
If there's something useful you can record,edit and publish inside the Youtube 15 minute time limit please submit the link to me.
This should be of great use to the "Right Brained" crowd,That like me want to see a procedure first or have something to watch as they do it.
Pleas remember, This is Tech and not the OTB section so please stay on task in your submissions.
Include a tool and part list too and I'll add that to your post.