Built this transmission for a car SpeedyCop picked up at auction last year. We had several discussions about repairing the transmission that was in the car, but never could get our schedules to match up. Recently I picked up a good core from another 2007 CVPI, so I rebuilt the core and will making a trip to speedy's house to install the transmission, sometime in the near future.
Residual fluid in the core transmission was clean and bright red. Once I got it apart, the only damage I found was forward clutch piston seal was brittle and had chunks missing from it, which resulted in forward clutch failure, The intermediate one clutch retaining snap ring was distorted and about to come off and the rear tail shaft bushing was worn.
Full rebuild was performed with new seals, gaskets, clutches and tail shaft bushing. While this was a 2007 model year car, the transmission was build 8/2006, so it did not have the factory upgraded OD band. I upgraded the OD band, replaced the OEM intermediate clutch snap ring with an aftermarket spiral ring and did a Jmod as part of the rebuild. To make servicing the transmission easier I installed the Dorman transmission pan with the drain plug.
Residual fluid in the core transmission was clean and bright red. Once I got it apart, the only damage I found was forward clutch piston seal was brittle and had chunks missing from it, which resulted in forward clutch failure, The intermediate one clutch retaining snap ring was distorted and about to come off and the rear tail shaft bushing was worn.
Full rebuild was performed with new seals, gaskets, clutches and tail shaft bushing. While this was a 2007 model year car, the transmission was build 8/2006, so it did not have the factory upgraded OD band. I upgraded the OD band, replaced the OEM intermediate clutch snap ring with an aftermarket spiral ring and did a Jmod as part of the rebuild. To make servicing the transmission easier I installed the Dorman transmission pan with the drain plug.