My daughter who is the normal driver of my 93 CV complained that the car was bucking. I have driven it and it only seems to happen when the TC is locked, never when unlocked. My first thought was an engine miss that becomes more noticeable when the TC is locked, but the engine runs smooth as a baby's butt. This bucking is very intermittent, and seems more common in 3rd gear lockup than in OD lockup. An episode will last 10-15 seconds then seems to stop. I have noticed over the past year that the TC has been reluctant to lock up in cold weather, at least until the thing gets good and warmed up.
The car has 126K on it. I have had it since about 60K, and can't remember if I have ever changed fluid or not. Anyone ever experience this symptom?
The car has 126K on it. I have had it since about 60K, and can't remember if I have ever changed fluid or not. Anyone ever experience this symptom?