Started my car this morning and took it for a short drive(about 3 miles) to blow off all the tree crap that had fallen on my car overnight. Then I stopped at a manual car wash. I started spraying on tire/rim cleaner and when I got to the left rear tire, I could hear a hissing noise everytime the cleaner hit the rotor. There wasn't a hint of hissing when I sprayed the other tires/rims. That rotor was REAL hot.
Now I know the first thought is a bad caliper. But could it be something more sinister, such as an axle bearing or parking brake sticking?? This caliper is about 4 months old. The moron shop I took it to for some work(long story) replaced that one, which he said was sticking, but not the right side one. He also did some parking brake work, replacing the shoes and hardware so he had the axle shafts pulled out for access.
Now I know the first thought is a bad caliper. But could it be something more sinister, such as an axle bearing or parking brake sticking?? This caliper is about 4 months old. The moron shop I took it to for some work(long story) replaced that one, which he said was sticking, but not the right side one. He also did some parking brake work, replacing the shoes and hardware so he had the axle shafts pulled out for access.