There is a complete (drum-to-drum) 8.8" 3.08 Trac-lock rear from (poster says) early 70s to early 90s 'Stang on CL this morning at an attractive price. I'm not yet ready to make this upgrade, but it might be too good a deal to pass up. I think I understand correctly that all Ford 8.8 rears are internally the same. My question is how much of this unit I could swap into my GM. Just the center section, center section and axles, or is there a spline difference that would impair my ability to use this rear at all (I seem to recall some discussion of 28 vs. 31 tooth axle splines)? I currently have the 2.73 open diff and I prefer to keep relatively tall gearing, so this would be perfect if it can work. Also, what kind of visual/tactile checks (if any) could I make on this rear axle to determine the condition of the ring and pinion, diff gears, and clutch packs (assume dropping the cover)? If I had to farm out the center section for refurb, roughly how much in hours or dollars are we talking about? Thanks.