1- jack up vehicle ,put a jack stand under frame be sure you can remove the wheel.
2- remove wheel
3- place jack under shock bolts in the lower control arm (a-frame) only put a pump or too to make some tension dont lift car off stand.
4-spray horizontal pinch bolt with penetrant oil, this will help some, then remove the nut. remove bolt, If this seems to be impossible with a hammer, try a little carefully placed torch heat. Careful with the abs sensor wire and brake line, sheild is necessary.
5-THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SAFETY...lower jack 1/2 to 1" but not all the way, after removing the bolt it is somewhat possible for the spring tension to self separate the pinch area freeing the pin of the joint, and the spring way eject! Use a small chain if you do not feel comfortable with this. I never had it happen, but I wouldn't put it in the impossibile department.
6 usually the joint stays together, if so rap the spindle casting downward to free the pin of the joint from the casting. Some light prying apart of the pinch surfaces may be needed, but not always.
7- remove 2 locking nuts off the top of the joint which connect to the upper arm. Note oblong adjusters which appear to be the larger nuts under the locknuts. These are for alignment adjustment, and do not tighten or loosen, then simply lift off.
keep them in the same position as they lifted off. This keeps the alignment somewhat close enough to get you to the alignment shop after you reinstall them.
8- dont re-use hardware unless you dont get new parts with the replacement joint. You should get a new pinch bolt, matching nut, and 2 new upper locking nuts.
9-Set new joint on the upper arm studs, replace the "big nut" adjusters, and re instal the 2 upper lock nuts.
10 -gently raise jack while inserting the pin of the joint into the pinch surface, lube may help. NOTE the round U groove around the pin of the joint, this is where the pinch bolt must fit thru. THIS IS what holds the whole mess together. The bolt shouldnt fit if the joint isnt seated all the way, you can look thru the ole with a small light and see if you need to.
11-Install pinch bolt thru the hole, Tighten nut. it should be a lock nut, so it wont fall off. but with a ratchet by hand good and tight is fine.
12-Grease the joint if it has a zerk, some do, some are sealed and lubed for life. Thats it lower the jack , put on the wheel, jack up the frame remove jack stand, remove floor jack.
13- Get an alignment as soon as possible as there will be a change due to casting irregularities, and the fact that the adjusters have been moved.
Congrats, you just saved over $50-$90 in labor!
2- remove wheel
3- place jack under shock bolts in the lower control arm (a-frame) only put a pump or too to make some tension dont lift car off stand.
4-spray horizontal pinch bolt with penetrant oil, this will help some, then remove the nut. remove bolt, If this seems to be impossible with a hammer, try a little carefully placed torch heat. Careful with the abs sensor wire and brake line, sheild is necessary.
5-THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SAFETY...lower jack 1/2 to 1" but not all the way, after removing the bolt it is somewhat possible for the spring tension to self separate the pinch area freeing the pin of the joint, and the spring way eject! Use a small chain if you do not feel comfortable with this. I never had it happen, but I wouldn't put it in the impossibile department.
6 usually the joint stays together, if so rap the spindle casting downward to free the pin of the joint from the casting. Some light prying apart of the pinch surfaces may be needed, but not always.
7- remove 2 locking nuts off the top of the joint which connect to the upper arm. Note oblong adjusters which appear to be the larger nuts under the locknuts. These are for alignment adjustment, and do not tighten or loosen, then simply lift off.
keep them in the same position as they lifted off. This keeps the alignment somewhat close enough to get you to the alignment shop after you reinstall them.
8- dont re-use hardware unless you dont get new parts with the replacement joint. You should get a new pinch bolt, matching nut, and 2 new upper locking nuts.
9-Set new joint on the upper arm studs, replace the "big nut" adjusters, and re instal the 2 upper lock nuts.
10 -gently raise jack while inserting the pin of the joint into the pinch surface, lube may help. NOTE the round U groove around the pin of the joint, this is where the pinch bolt must fit thru. THIS IS what holds the whole mess together. The bolt shouldnt fit if the joint isnt seated all the way, you can look thru the ole with a small light and see if you need to.
11-Install pinch bolt thru the hole, Tighten nut. it should be a lock nut, so it wont fall off. but with a ratchet by hand good and tight is fine.
12-Grease the joint if it has a zerk, some do, some are sealed and lubed for life. Thats it lower the jack , put on the wheel, jack up the frame remove jack stand, remove floor jack.
13- Get an alignment as soon as possible as there will be a change due to casting irregularities, and the fact that the adjusters have been moved.
Congrats, you just saved over $50-$90 in labor!