Don't drill holes in the bottoms of the housings...sure, it'll let the water drain out, but it'll also expose the reflector to the air, which will cause it to oxidize. But oh, wait, you expose the reflector to the air every time you replace the bulb, don't you? Yeah, composite head lamps are sooo much better than sealed beams...
There's a reason that they started using sealed beam headlights back in the '40s...with a sealed beam, every time you replace the lamp, you replace the reflector as well, so it doesn't get all oxidized and quit reflecting like it should. These stupid composite units are nothing more than a step backwards in technology.

There's a reason that they started using sealed beam headlights back in the '40s...with a sealed beam, every time you replace the lamp, you replace the reflector as well, so it doesn't get all oxidized and quit reflecting like it should. These stupid composite units are nothing more than a step backwards in technology.