I texted the number in one of the craigslist ads. Reply was its his sisters car. He gave me her email. I emailed her. She replied that the car was her husbands who died 3 months ago and wanted to sell it because it brought up bad memories. She said another potential buyer had a loan fall thru for the car even though healready had paid for shipping and the car is now in a shipping container. She offered to do a ebay protection plan and that since shipping was already paid all I would need to do is send my delivery info for the ebay protection plan, the $1000.00 and the car would be delivered and I would have 5 days to decide if I liked it. If not it would be shipped back to her at her expense.
I contacted Ebay and Ebay said the buyer protection plan does not have a time period and that ONLY cars listed on Ebay would have the plan offered.
Ebay says this is a big scam ongoing on Craigslist. For shits and grins I am tempted to tell them I would like to have the car delivered to the local FBI buildings address as my bogus job and address.
Good call everyone.
I contacted Ebay and Ebay said the buyer protection plan does not have a time period and that ONLY cars listed on Ebay would have the plan offered.
Ebay says this is a big scam ongoing on Craigslist. For shits and grins I am tempted to tell them I would like to have the car delivered to the local FBI buildings address as my bogus job and address.
Good call everyone.