A used, driver quality 80-83 Mark VI front clear turn signal lense, just went for $123 on ebay!
Start hoarding these things, I guarantee the price for them will only go up, until someone finally starts re-popping these in the aftermarket. Everyone I see in the junkyards around here from now on is getting bought and hoarded. I've actually found driver quality ones in the yards here before, and left them behind thinking no one would want them, because of a few stress cracks. That one has several stress cracks and still sold for that much.
Start hoarding these things, I guarantee the price for them will only go up, until someone finally starts re-popping these in the aftermarket. Everyone I see in the junkyards around here from now on is getting bought and hoarded. I've actually found driver quality ones in the yards here before, and left them behind thinking no one would want them, because of a few stress cracks. That one has several stress cracks and still sold for that much.
