I'm handling this for my mom, it's a 2003 Ford Taurus SES, 133xxx miles, needs a transmission and some relatively minor work, Meineke quoted like $800 for the rest of the work, most of you could do it for signifigantly less than that. The transmission's fried, and the car would have to be towed. It's also got some body damage from a couple of accidents, namely a large dent in the rear passenger side door, a hole in the bumper, and some denting and bending in the hood. Listing at $600 on Craiglist, I just want to see if someone will offer me more than a yard would. Make an offer if you're interested.
You can email via craigslist or call me at 215 485 1496, PMing me here might take me a bit longer to get back to you.
Thanks dudes and dudettes.