So yesterday I picked up a 2007 MGM LS. 73k miles, clean as a whistle. I've had my eye on CVs for a while (I still want to get a P71 or a Marauder someday), but I bit the bullet and picked this one up. She is to be my daily driver, giving my 1997 Dodge Ram 1500 a break (and my wallet a rest seeing as the truck only gets 13mpg at best). She is joined by a 2003 Honda Shadow 750 as well, though with the cold weather I won't be riding her much.
I'll likely be semi-quiet for a little while as I lurk and read and absorb, but I already have a few mods and questions in mind so you'll hear from me soon no doubt.
I'll likely be semi-quiet for a little while as I lurk and read and absorb, but I already have a few mods and questions in mind so you'll hear from me soon no doubt.