Ok here it is. It's that time of year (finally). I hope everyone is prepping their beauties for this big opening day.
Saturday, May 13.
3pm - Meet at Target parking lot off of University Ave. (located between Lexington Pkwy and Snelling Ave) in St. Paul.
We will take East 94 to scenic WI 35 (south) to Red Wing.
Picture taking, socializing, open hoods, causing mischief, and just taking a break from the hour long trek along the mighty Mississippi. Exact location in Red Wing is pending, as I'm debating between getting on the bluff, or hanging out in our usual spot right on the river in a parking lot. Other suggestions are welcome.
After spending an hour or so in Red Wing, we'll take 19->55 to Hastings. There we will dine at Las Margiratas, or if your diet does not include Mexican food, we can go to Applebees just across the street.
An optional ending to this evening will include a brief cruise down to Porky's on University Ave.
Recommended items to bring:
A mode of transportation
Walkie-talkie/CB (yes Mike I still have yours)
A map of the Wisconsin/Minnesota areas
I'm extending this invite to all who maybe interested in attending. This includes the panther community.
If you have any questions, please contact me. If the date and/or time does not work out for your schedule, feel free to suggest an alternative time. I would like potential participants to have at the minumum a month's notice.
Hope to see you there.
More information at www.midwestthundercats.com
Posted by Kelsey. Owner of a 2003 marauder. Updates will be posted via cvn on e-mail. Thank you.
Saturday, May 13.
3pm - Meet at Target parking lot off of University Ave. (located between Lexington Pkwy and Snelling Ave) in St. Paul.
We will take East 94 to scenic WI 35 (south) to Red Wing.
Picture taking, socializing, open hoods, causing mischief, and just taking a break from the hour long trek along the mighty Mississippi. Exact location in Red Wing is pending, as I'm debating between getting on the bluff, or hanging out in our usual spot right on the river in a parking lot. Other suggestions are welcome.
After spending an hour or so in Red Wing, we'll take 19->55 to Hastings. There we will dine at Las Margiratas, or if your diet does not include Mexican food, we can go to Applebees just across the street.
An optional ending to this evening will include a brief cruise down to Porky's on University Ave.
Recommended items to bring:
A mode of transportation
Walkie-talkie/CB (yes Mike I still have yours)
A map of the Wisconsin/Minnesota areas
I'm extending this invite to all who maybe interested in attending. This includes the panther community.
If you have any questions, please contact me. If the date and/or time does not work out for your schedule, feel free to suggest an alternative time. I would like potential participants to have at the minumum a month's notice.
Hope to see you there.
More information at www.midwestthundercats.com
Posted by Kelsey. Owner of a 2003 marauder. Updates will be posted via cvn on e-mail. Thank you.