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August 25, 2018 - Metro Detroit Meet?

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    Let’s just meet at the same park as last time. Easy and convenient. 11am. Go for a late lunch somewhere.
    -Nick M.
    Columbia, SC

    66 Squire, 89 Colony Park, 90 TC, 03 TC, 06 TC, 07 TC (2x)
    03 BMW 540iT, 07 Toyota Tundra SR5 Dbl Cab/5.7 2WD


      Originally posted by TecNickal View Post
      Let’s just meet at the same park as last time. Easy and convenient. 11am. Go for a late lunch somewhere.
      It has been made Facebook official, same park as last year.

      Originally posted by Grand1 View Post
      Checking in, still a go for me.
      Let's firm up the location soon.I am down for whatever. If we are going to grill let me know, got a good source for steaks... will bring some for all. I second the paranoia of dings and dents.
      There are grills at the park, and I've got my tiny table top grill, charcoal, lighter fluid, and utensils. Do we want to consider the grilling option? It would also allow one of the FB members to catch up with us after he gets off work.

      I'm willing to chip in for food. Or if we want to wait till the day of we could possibly have a couple of us pick up stuff during the meet.

      ~ 1989 MGM LS Colony Park - Large Marge
      ~ 1998 MGM LS - new DD
      ~ 1991 MGM LS "The Scab"
      ~ 1991 MGM GS "The Ice Car"


        Fine with me
        -Nick M.
        Columbia, SC

        66 Squire, 89 Colony Park, 90 TC, 03 TC, 06 TC, 07 TC (2x)
        03 BMW 540iT, 07 Toyota Tundra SR5 Dbl Cab/5.7 2WD


          Fine with me. Also I'll be 2003 Town car - explorer aint ready for the trip. I'll just have the passenger seat removed for longer parts and a large moving quilt
          -Nick M.
          Columbia, SC

          66 Squire, 89 Colony Park, 90 TC, 03 TC, 06 TC, 07 TC (2x)
          03 BMW 540iT, 07 Toyota Tundra SR5 Dbl Cab/5.7 2WD


            Word, there are benches under trees for shade. I like the idea of cruising enmasse to somewhere. We could even cruise Woodward or something and "race" our lopos. I did not have enough motivation to wash, wax & detail my car this past Sunday. Maybe Friday. We'll see.
            1985 LTD Crown Victoria - SOLD
            1988 Town Car Signature - Current Party Barge


              In agreement with all of the above...Halmich Park it is, 'round 11ish, to hang out for a while before exploring food options. It'd be nice if timing can accommodate Chris with the 89 who is working until 2:45PM and figures 30 mins travel time, but I suppose as long as someone can keep him updated it's OK. I won't have data unless there's wifi or someone can turn a hotspot on from their phone.

              A cruise including potentially Woodward (the nice hilly stretch from around Big Beaver to around Square Lake) would be cool, especially if any member is attending in a non-Panther vehicle (so won't feel left out) and will be able to maybe grab some pics from the median. It's a photogenic area.

              Panthers: 83 GM 2dr | 84 TC | 85 CS | 88 TC | 91 GM
              Not Panthers: 85 Ranger | Ranger trailer | 91 Acclaim | 92 Jaaag | 05 Focus
              Gone: 97 CV | 83 TC | 04 Focus | 86 GM
              | Junkyards


                So far I think we have roughly 10-12 people coming.

                I am also hoping to get some cleaning done on Friday. I badly need to vacuum and get some interior cleaning done. Exterior I did a week or two ago, so I won't need to spend too much time there.

                ~ 1989 MGM LS Colony Park - Large Marge
                ~ 1998 MGM LS - new DD
                ~ 1991 MGM LS "The Scab"
                ~ 1991 MGM GS "The Ice Car"


                  Dunno if I've said it here yet, and I'm too lazy to go back a few pages to see, but I'm about 95% sure I'll be there. Just gotta find time to vacuum out the car and dust the dash. It looks presentable as is but if I had my way I'd hit it with wax before then but again, time. If Nick brings his Town Car, I won't have the newest Panther or the only whale this year maybe.

                  2006 Audi A6 S-Line FWD ~132k miles, stock.
                  1998 Mercury Grand Marquis LS HPP ~102k miles, slowly acquiring modifications.
                  1997 Lincoln Town Car Cartier ~145k miles, Ported Plenum, Gutted Airbox, Mechanical Fan Delete, Contour E-fan Retrofit, Dual exhaust, Cats ran away, KYB Gas-A-Justs, P71 front sway bar, air ride reinstalled, Blinker Mod, Projector headlight retrofit, Caddy 4-note horn retrofit, Wood rim steering wheel, rustbelt diet plan..
                  1996 Mercury Grand Marquis GS 117,485mi. R.I.P. 7/14/12


                    Yes, I vouched for your probable-attendance earlier on

                    I shined my car up fairly decently for the Dream Cruise, so the "hard work" is Bleche-Wite bringing my whitewalls back to life...

                    However on Friday, arriving home quite late after dark, my car will be all over some dirt roads so it will likely not be properly clean unless the morning affords enough time for a quick wash.

                    Panthers: 83 GM 2dr | 84 TC | 85 CS | 88 TC | 91 GM
                    Not Panthers: 85 Ranger | Ranger trailer | 91 Acclaim | 92 Jaaag | 05 Focus
                    Gone: 97 CV | 83 TC | 04 Focus | 86 GM
                    | Junkyards


                      Steve! I don't recall you commenting in this thread yet. I think there will be 3 cars newer than yours.

                      That brings the count up to 11-13.
                      4 whales, 1 5.0 fox (unless he doesn't get the coolant leak identified fixed), 1 barge, 4-6 boxes, and I'm not sure if Ashley is bringing something separate or riding with Derek.

                      No aeros that I'm aware of, although my box is newer than the oldest aeros, and Will's fox is aero age.

                      ~ 1989 MGM LS Colony Park - Large Marge
                      ~ 1998 MGM LS - new DD
                      ~ 1991 MGM LS "The Scab"
                      ~ 1991 MGM GS "The Ice Car"


                        Ash and I will be riding together, I highly doubt anyone wants to see a GMT400 or F-Series truck.
                        Kishy, you were at the CreamCruise? Ash and I were there all day, didn't see your TC...
                        1985 LTD Crown Victoria - SOLD
                        1988 Town Car Signature - Current Party Barge


                          I have a "maybe" from 3 local guys who aren't very active on any of the forums.

                          2006 Audi A6 S-Line FWD ~132k miles, stock.
                          1998 Mercury Grand Marquis LS HPP ~102k miles, slowly acquiring modifications.
                          1997 Lincoln Town Car Cartier ~145k miles, Ported Plenum, Gutted Airbox, Mechanical Fan Delete, Contour E-fan Retrofit, Dual exhaust, Cats ran away, KYB Gas-A-Justs, P71 front sway bar, air ride reinstalled, Blinker Mod, Projector headlight retrofit, Caddy 4-note horn retrofit, Wood rim steering wheel, rustbelt diet plan..
                          1996 Mercury Grand Marquis GS 117,485mi. R.I.P. 7/14/12


                            Originally posted by DerekTheGreat View Post
                            Kishy, you were at the CreamCruise? Ash and I were there all day, didn't see your TC...
                            Yessir, excerpt from WAYWO:

                            Originally posted by kishy
                            Woodward Dream Cruise. Attended Friday night in buddy's Suzuki Alto Works, which he later swapped out with his buddy's C6 Z06 (a truly remarkable machine). Attended again today in Townie, washed and with shiny clean white walls, in convoy with the Alto Works again. Good couple days.
                            Someone hollered out "Hey Kevin!" at one point, but I couldn't find where it originated from. Very few box Panthers out.

                            Panthers: 83 GM 2dr | 84 TC | 85 CS | 88 TC | 91 GM
                            Not Panthers: 85 Ranger | Ranger trailer | 91 Acclaim | 92 Jaaag | 05 Focus
                            Gone: 97 CV | 83 TC | 04 Focus | 86 GM
                            | Junkyards


                              Very few indeed, saw one very raggedy box MGM and a $20k '89 Town Car with 119,000 miles advertised as 19,000. Good times. I am bad with social media. Old guy living in younger dude body.
                              1985 LTD Crown Victoria - SOLD
                              1988 Town Car Signature - Current Party Barge


                                Originally posted by DerekTheGreat View Post
                                Very few indeed, saw one very raggedy box MGM and a $20k '89 Town Car with 119,000 miles advertised as 19,000. Good times. I am bad with social media. Old guy living in younger dude body.
                                Saw what is likely the MGM you speak of, 91 in a light tan colour. This was well after dark. Guy just got it on the road, I actually referred him here.

                                Saw a blue box TC earlier in the day getting gas down closer to the Royal Oak end. Didn't catch the parking light lenses so couldn't tell 89 or not. I think it had a carriage roof?

                                Panthers: 83 GM 2dr | 84 TC | 85 CS | 88 TC | 91 GM
                                Not Panthers: 85 Ranger | Ranger trailer | 91 Acclaim | 92 Jaaag | 05 Focus
                                Gone: 97 CV | 83 TC | 04 Focus | 86 GM
                                | Junkyards

