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Unofficial GMN 3G alternator swap page (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Parts List:
3G alternator from a 90's era V6 ford product (and few others)
appropriate size alternator bracket if you cannot find the correct case size
4 gauge minimum charge cable and various electrical tools/supplies to install an alternator
Slightly longer/shorter belt depending what size alt and which pulley you use

Fitment Installation: Large VS Small case alternator

The 3G alternators are common on 90's ford V6 engines and are found in large and small case varieties... what fits your box panther depends on what alternator you have already.  As i understand it, the small case one (newer internal or older external reg.) are physically a direct bolt-in for most folks.  Cars with heated windshields, tow package, or police package can be expected to have the larger externally regulated alternator, which should make for a direct fit for the large case 3G.  Of course swapping the appropriate bracket can make fitment of either size possible in any box panther...

Wiring installation: External VS Internal regulator

Those of us lucky enough to have the newer internally regulated "fire hazard" alternators (most 86-91) supposedly have an easier time with installation, since one of the plugs should fit right into the 3G alternator. The other wires needed to wire the 3G are the main charge wire and the "stator" wire.  The small white/black wire found with the two large charge wires get wired into the single "stator" plug on the 3G.  Or, the stator wire can be jumped into the center wire on the plug (see below) Use of a stator connector and pigtail meant for the 3G makes this simpler.  The main charge post on the 3G should me wired directly to the battery or starter solenoid union with 4 GA or better wire using a 100 amp or better fuse or circuit breaker.

Those with the small or large case externally regulated alternators have some options in wiring this up, depending how much factory wiring they want to use.  A HARD WIRE will make the 3G work from scratch, setting it up and a self exciting standalone unit.  The FFI link below goes into detail on this, also a following image of the pre-made "hard-wire" harness should make this setup evident.

Those who want to use more factory wiring only have to hook up the sense wire and the battery light wire, and should be able to remove all remaining wiring and the regulator.

FOR ALL INSTALLATIONS - a 4ga or greater charge cable should be used to wire the alternator to the battery, incorporating a minimum 100 amp fuse or breaker .  Wire and fuse size will depend on your power needs.

Install thread
Install thread
Non-GMN install page
Ford Fuel Injection general 3G install tech

terminal breakdown:


The two "S" terminals are joined together
the "A" terminal is for the keyed 12v signal source, typically yellow/white
the "I" terminal is for the battery light, typically red/green

Hardwired with after-market harness:

here the yellow wire gets jumped by the + terminal, making the alternator "self sense" its needs
the green wire is for the battery light, and needs to be hoked up to charge

This information is meant for use as a guide - some information may be overlooked, assumed or forgotten, and procedure may vary with application.  Results are not guaranteed and GMN assumes no liability for your mistakes!!!
Especially since the author has not personally completed this project and is returning 2nd hand info